Memphis Brooks Museum of Art | Artists/Activists: Marcellous Lovelace Featured (Memphis, TN)
Memphis Brooks Museum of Art Artists/Activists: Marcellous Lovelace, Frank D. Robinson, and Siphne Sylve - March 7 – May 10, 2015 Memphis...
elee.mosynary gallery | Marcellous Lovelace Featured In Group Show
elee.mosynary gallery | Marcellous Lovelace Featured In Group Show This second Friday of February, in honor of Black History month...
South Main Mosaic Artwalk / I AM MAN (RAYGUN81 REMIX) DESIGNED BY Marcellous
South Main Mosaic Artwalk / I AM MAN (RAYGUN81 REMIX) DESIGNED BY Marcellous Lovelace | Installed by...
Marcellous Lovelace Paints Cover For Stonesthrow / SnoopDog | Snoop Dogg & Dam-Funk – “Do My Thang (
Snoop Dogg & Dam-Funk – “Do My Thang (TEKLIFE Remix)” So last night we made sure you know the basics of Chicago footwork dancing, and...