Get the New Art Book: Missunderstandings From Poor Conversations Art book by Marcellous Lovelace
BUY NEW BOOK HERE: http://www.blurb.com/b/7750872-missunderstandings-from-poor-conversations Marcellous Lovelace "missUndertstandings...

#Biko70 Lumumba Blacker than Space by Marcellous Lovelace - FEB 15TH - MARCH 20TH 2016 - DITTMAR GAL
#Biko70 Lumumba Blacker than Space Art Series by Marcellous Lovelace walks outside the lines and tells the story of the original people...

New Works By Marcellous Lovelace
2015 African Dreams art Marcellous Lovelace

The Hue: Paintings of a South Side Colony by Marcellous Lovelace May 8 - July 3, 2015 | Harold Wash
The Hue: Paintings of a South Side Colony by Marcellous Lovelace | May 8 - July 3, 2015| Harold Washington Library Center, 8th Floor...

The Artivist Rises! featuring Marcellous Lovelace
The Artivist Rises! featuring Marcellous Lovelace On Friday, April 17, 2015, 6 pm-9 pm, join us for an evening of poetry and conversation...

Memphis Brooks Museum of Art | Artists/Activists: Marcellous Lovelace Featured (Memphis, TN)
Memphis Brooks Museum of Art Artists/Activists: Marcellous Lovelace, Frank D. Robinson, and Siphne Sylve - March 7 – May 10, 2015 Memphis...

elee.mosynary gallery | Marcellous Lovelace Featured In Group Show
elee.mosynary gallery | Marcellous Lovelace Featured In Group Show This second Friday of February, in honor of Black History month...

Black Artists on Art Exhibit Grand Opening | Marcellous Lovelace Featured (Oakland, CA)
Black Artists on Art Exhibit Grand Opening Oakstop | 1721 Broadway, Oakland, California 94612 The Black Artists on Art Legacy Exhibit...

Marcellous Lovelace art In Halifax / 're: sent work summer group show' Nova Scotia
Marcellous Lovelace work I would die for, in 're: sent work summer group show'. Opening tonight. Parentheses Gallery & Art Projects 2168...