#Biko70 Lumumba Blacker than Space by Marcellous Lovelace - FEB 15TH - MARCH 20TH 2016 - DITTMAR GAL

#Biko70 Lumumba Blacker than Space Art Series by Marcellous Lovelace walks outside the lines and tells the story of the original people of earth who are overlooked inside a segregated biased space overcome by poverty, crime, food deserts, worthless edu- cation and a police state of hatred. The #LBS Series by Marcellous Lovelace is artwork of a revolutionary’s mentality on a painted surface that has no emotional attachment to the disregard from colonial oppression. This work is void of all conformist views and the self sacrifice of searching for acceptance inside oppression, this work has made its own decisions and freedom of the mind is the only voice that’s used.
#Biko70 Lumumba Blacker than Space by Marcellous Lovelacerecurring see all events in this series "Contradiction From They Black Hood" by Marcellous Lovelace
FEB 15TH - MARCH 20TH 2016 [DAILY] 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
RECEPTION WHEN: Friday, February 19, 2016 4PM - 6:30
WHERE: Norris University Center, Dittmar Gallery 1999 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208
AUDIENCE: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
CONTACT: Debra Blade (847) 491-2348 dittmargallery@northwestern.edu
GROUP: Dittmar Memorial Gallery
CATEGORY: Fine ArtsMore Info
DESCRIPTION:By: Marcellous Lovelace#Biko70 Lumumba Blacker than Space Art Series, by Marcellous Lovelace walks outside the lines and tells the story of people who are overlooked inside a segregated, biased space overcome by poverty, crime, food deserts, worthless education and a police state of hatred. The #LBSSeries by Marcellous Lovelace is artwork of a revolutionary's mentality on a painted surface that has no emotional attachment to the disregard from colonial oppression. This work is void of all conformist views and the self sacrifice of searching for acceptance inside oppression; this work has made its own decisions and freedom of the mind is the only voice used.